
AbouT ME

Hello. My name is Monica. I have been a wife for almost 25 years and a mom for 17. It’s hard to remember life before. What did I do with my time when life did not revolve around carpool, sports schedules, pediatrician appointments, helping with homework, getting meals on the table, etc?  Being a wife and mom has been so rewarding but in the everyday hustle and bustle, I neglected myself. As a result, my health and well-being was adversely affected. I have struggled with my weight since 2003. In 2014 I did the best thing ever when I made the decision to join Weight Watchers. I reached my goal weight on May 19, 2017. I have lost 85 lbs since starting the program with a grand total of 95 lbs because I lost some before WW.  Throughout my journey, I have gained so many positive things. I started an Instagram page (@ww_baseballmom)  in 2015 for accountability.  It has turned out to be such an important tool for me to stay on track. I found an awesome community of support and inspiration. In 2018 and 2019, I have had a bit of a slip and gained back about half of the weight I lost. I am determined to get it back off. I have decided to take it day by day and not stress over trying to quickly get back to goal. I have written more about it on this site recently if you would like to read more. I hope you enjoy this blog for weight loss motivation, recipes, bargain finds, organization tips and other random things that come up in mom life.