Wild Flowers

This blog entry is not exactly weight loss related. However, it is something that I thought was post worthy. I have been wanting to expand the blog topics because my journey has turned out to be much more than weight loss and I want to share.

This time of the year wildflowers are popping up around us. I have always loved flowers but as I have grown older, they make me stop and think of other things. I think of another time in my life that seems so long ago but yet the memories are fresh and beautiful as the flowers that inspire the thoughts. 

My Grandmothers loved flowers. They each had green thumbs and could grow anything. Both retired to live on land where they had vegetable gardens, fruit orchards and lots of flowers. Every Spring, wildflowers grew in the fields surrounding their homes. My sister and I would set up a “Flower Shop” and “Grocery Store” in my Nanny’s canning room and spend countless hours pretend playing – making floral arrangements, selling jars of jelly and pickles. 

This was long before iPads, smartphones and laptops. We used our imaginations. I can remember that I always had to be the boss of the flower shop. I am the older one and I know this may be hard to believe but I definitely was not shy about telling my sister what to do.

Life as an adult gets so busy and often we may struggle to keep our head above water. It is nice to reminisce of a more simpler time. Don’t forget to slow down, enjoy the little things and to create fun memories with your family. It does not mean we have to spend lots of money going on vacations or to expensive events. A day of fun can be found in something as simple as a field of wild flowers. 
