Not an Overnight Trip

Photo By Baseball Dad

Photo By Baseball Dad

I am in my 5th year on Weight Watchers. During the journey, I have had my share of ups and downs. Most have been small bumps in the road and I bounce back rather quickly. There have been times that the struggle is harder. In 2015, I fell off track for about 4 months and gained back 19 pounds. I think that experience actually made me stronger. I eventually lost those pounds and made it to goal.

I am currently going through another rough stretch. For the last month, I have lost steam. It started with a bad cold that lasted several weeks in conjunction with some stress. I had no appetite. I did lose weight but it wasn’t real.

My appetite came back with a vengeance. I start the day strong and then by evening the wheels totally fall off. I am about 10 pounds over my lowest weight, which means that I am 8 pounds away from being in my Weight Watcher’s Lifetime range. I have 2 weeks left in March so the likelihood of getting my free Lifetime e-Tools this month is growing less feasible by the day.

WHY am I sabotaging myself by giving in to mindless snacking and poor food choices? I truly wish I had the answer. I thought at this point, I was strong enough to overcome the factors that lead to overeating. I get stuck in the cycle of feeling better while eating, disappointed in myself and then a renewed motivation to get my act together. This vicious cycle is happening almost daily.

At some point, we all have twists, turns and bumps in the road. It is not a matter of IF but WHEN. I do not always handle these gracefully. I think being able to recognize that is a huge step forward. We have to give ourselves a break sometimes and know that these difficult times will happen.  We need to try our best to get back on track. Continually beating ourselves up about it, does not help. We have to keep trying.

I did not gain 100 pounds overnight. I did not lose 85 pounds overnight. I may not get back on track overnight and that is okay!


People following the Weight Watchers plan can expect to lose 1-2 lbs/per wk. I lost weight on a prior Weight Watchers program and am continuing on Freestyle. #wwfreestyle #wwambassador #weightwatchers #smartpoints #eatinghealthy #wwinstagram #wwsupport #wwfitfam #fooddiary #beyondthescale