Hello! It's Been Awhile


Things have been a bit crazy this past year. I have had to focus my attention on other areas of my life instead of blogging and posting on Social Media. With work and some family medical issues, it seems we are constantly on the go. I let it get the best of me. I have not been diligent with staying on track which has resulted in weight gain. I have gained back approximately half of the weight that I worked so hard to lose. It's frustrating how quickly things can spiral out of control. It starts as a few pounds here and there. Next, I am buying larger clothes because even “stretchy” pants have their limit and there is only so much that Spanx can do!

 I have always been honest and share the ups and downs but I do find myself posting less during the “down” turns. There have been many lately. I am not making excuses. It is what it is. I did what I said I would never do… gain back the weight! I have experienced a whole range of emotions from being disappointed, mad, complacent, resentful, etc. Even telling myself that I am just meant to be plus sized so why bother trying. Way too much “stinking thinking”!

 Where do I go from here?? With about 50 lbs to lose, AGAIN…. Well, I have decided to not put too much pressure on myself. I am not setting a deadline to get the weight off. I have lost 2 lbs in the last 2 weeks. If I maintain that average, I will back to my “happy” weight range in a year. At first thought, that sounds so far away BUT after looking over my weight journal, I realized that it took me a year to gain the weight back. So really, a year to lose the weight isn’t so bad. If it takes me a little longer, so be it. If I do it quicker, great!

 I still think that @WW is the best plan for me. However, I know that I am consuming way too many carbs and too much sugar. So, while I will basically be still counting SmartPoints, I will also try to be “carb conscious”. I need to find that balance again.

Thanks for hanging in there with me. I appreciate the sweet messages and comments I receive. The support is amazing.
