Our New Fast Food


Prior to starting Weight Watchers in 2014, driving through a fast food restaurant was in our normal family routine. I hate to say it but this probably happened on a daily basis and sometimes more than one meal. At that time, having a job with a 45-minute commute (assuming there was no traffic), it was just easier to grab take out or so I thought. I was always tired and the last thing I wanted to do was come home and cook dinner. I rarely meal prepped or took my lunch to work. I often skipped meals which ironically did not help me lose weight. When I did finally make time to eat, it was fast food and I would over eat because I had not eaten all day. It’s a terrible cycle to be caught in. Being too tired to plan and cook which leads to poor food choices. Then, making fatigue worse from eating unhealthy and not being active.

Let’s fast forward to 2017. We rarely go to fast food restaurants. When we do, I carefully look and try to make the best choice I can. Luckily most places have added better options. It just takes a little planning on our part. 

Christmas 2015 I received the Power Pressure Cooker XL from my Mother in Law. It sat in the box for about a year. I was a bit intimidated and scared it may explode. I started seeing posts and cookbooks with pressure cooker recipes and decided to give it a try. WOW! Why did I wait so long to use it? It is amazing. It has become our new fast food. I can cook something as quick or maybe even quicker than the time it takes for us to decide what take out or fast food we will go get. I will be able to come home after a long day at the ball park and have a healthy dinner on the table in less than 30 minutes. Score!

I am excited to start experimenting with more pressure cooker recipes. So far, I have posted recipes for chili and chicken fajitas. Stay tuned for more.
