Monday Motivation

Photo Credit: My Husband

Photo Credit: My Husband

I spent many years looking for a quick and easy way to lose weight. I think I tried all the fad diets of the week. I would lose weight but as soon as I waivered, I would gain it back. Not only would the weight come back, but it also brought some extra pounds along for the ride. This roller coaster ride continued for about ten years. I reached the point of not caring anymore. I began accepting that I would just be overweight for the rest of my life.

Things changed in 2013. I was to the point where walking the grocery store would result in labored breathing. Forget about taking the stairs, that was downright painful. I also had some medical issues coming to light. This is when I knew something had to change.

I started researching diets. I kept coming back to Weight Watchers while trying to decide what to do. I lost my pregnancy weight back in 2002 on WW. Also, in 2008 I did it again and lost about 40 lbs. On January 1, 2014, my sister and I signed up for WW Online. I did well through Spring of 2015, at which time I fell off track over the Summer and gained back some weight.

I recommitted to the plan in October 2015. Something different happened this time that wasn’t in play my other attempts - a new mindset. I no longer focus on trying to do it quick and easy. I accepted this would take hard work on my part and that I needed to find balance because this is my new lifestyle. The scale is often slow moving. But when I look at what would happen if I weren’t doing this, I know the scale would be quickly moving in the wrong direction.

It does take work and for me it is taking time. But as the quote says “I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.” – Art Williams



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