Never Give Up

I love this quote. I spent many years giving up on weight loss. I would try a program, lose some quick weight and realize the method I was using was not one I could live with long term.

I asked, “Why?” -- Why me? Why can’t I do this? Why am I able to be successful with other things in my life but not weight loss? What I now know is that I was having a pity party for myself which ultimately led to giving up completely. If I could not lose the weight quickly, I did not want to do it at all.

I know what giving up feels like and I now know what not giving up feels like. The latter feels better. You know the saying, “Hindsight is 20/20”? It is. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself not to worry about losing the weight quickly and to find something that will bring balance and a healthy lifestyle. I would tell myself how good it feels to not give up.

If you are just beginning your weight loss journey or if you have been at this awhile and hitting a plateau, my biggest piece of advice is to not give up. Your loss may not be happening as fast as you want but what is the alternative? If you give up, you will be wishing a year from now that you stuck with it.


Weight LossMonicaComment