
Stress. Everyone has it but we do not all handle it the same way. By nature, I am a worrier. On the other hand, my husband often jokes that he does not have to worry as much because I have that covered. The one thing that we both have in common when it comes to stress is that we seek comfort in food. I think many people do without even realizing it. After all, food is something that has been with us since birth and can be associated with happy thoughts from years past. I was blessed with amazing cooks in my family. I have many fond memories of watching both of my grandmothers in the kitchen and enjoying their delicious, made from scratch meals. And my mom is the queen of southern comfort food cooking. When my son was young, he told her that she needed her own cooking show.

Birthdays, holidays, weddings and anniversaries. What do they all have in common? Food. We celebrate with food. And what are our normal feelings associated with these events? Happiness and joy. I think this is a big reason we seek food when stressed. We are looking for an escape to a happier place. Does it get us to that happy place? Maybe momentarily. Speaking from my own experience, I feel worse and more stressed afterwards because now comes the guilt. So, the cycle begins.

We have to change our mindset. We need to find ways to deal with stress other than turning to food. I am not a phycologist and will not pretend to be one. I am sharing ways that I try to handle it. Ultimately, you need to find what works for you.

Take a walk. I am amazed at how getting outside in the fresh air has such a calming effect. You can go for a leisurely walk. Sometimes for me, it is more about getting out of the house, away from the food temptations rather than actually working out.
Make a call. I know when I am stressed, hearing a familiar voice on the other end of the phone is comforting. Whether it’s calling a family member or a close friend, I often feel better after a chat.
Organize. I love things being organized. When I am worried about things (that are often out of my control), organizing gives me a feeling of being in control. I am not talking about organizing an entire room at once. It may just be organizing a few cabinets or the junk drawer.
Watch a movie. I do not reach for a tear jerker when I am stressed. I go for a comedy. Even if it’s one that I have seen a thousand times. For me, laughter is the best medicine. Luckily, I have a husband that could be a stand-up comedian.

The goal is to find what will keep you from emotional eating. There are many things other than food that can be a source of comfort during a stressful time.
