Mommy "Me" Time

I never truly understood the art of multi-tasking until I became a mom fifteen years ago. Yes, I had to manage married life and a full-time job but having a baby instantly catapulted the challenge to a whole new level. It did not take long for me to feel things were totally out of control. How in the world would I be able to get everything done? To say that I was overwhelmed would be an understatement.

As the years went by and as many moms do, I quit taking care of myself. I stopped working out and my eating habits were horrible. I was either eating junk or totally skipping meals. I haven’t always worked from home like I do now. I’ve also been in the corporate world, at the office everyday (many of which were very long days). My well-being was last on the list, especially during extra busy times. Fitting in a workout seemed impossible. We ate out way too much (including fast food) because the last thing I wanted to do when I got home was cook dinner. “Me” time? Not a chance considering when I was home I could rarely even sneak away to the restroom uninterrupted. To top it off, I felt guilty taking any “me” time.

As women, we are juggling so much but it is important that one of the things be taking care of ourselves. If we are happy and healthy, that makes us better caretakers. I wish I had realized this years ago. If I could, I would go back in time to tell my younger self that it is not selfish to take care of myself and to not feel guilty. Not taking care of myself ended up causing more damage because I didn’t feel well physically, mentally or emotionally. You know the saying “If Momma ain’t happy, nobody is happy”. It’s true! The “Mommy and Me” time is so important but do not forget about the Mommy “Me” time too.
