Summer. Are You Ready?

We are approaching the end of May which means that Summer will be here soon.  For me, Summer has proved to be a challenge throughout my weight loss journey.  Even more so than the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. In the Summer of 2015, I fell off track and gained back 19 pounds in just 4 months. With school out, vacations and an overall more relaxed schedule makes the struggle more difficult. If Summer is also hard for you, I have some helpful tips.

I suggest taking extra care to prep and have a plan for handling vacations, Memorial Day, July 4th and pool parties. Last Summer we went on a 2-week road trip. I took a tracking break but ate mindfully. I allowed myself a certain number of treat meals but I did not let it become a “free for all”. I did not want to deprive myself of the enjoyment of local eats. But at the same time, I did not want to throw healthy eating out the window just because it was vacation. After all, this is my new lifestyle and I have finally found balance. This means allowing myself to indulge without derailing. 

I know that on vacation, it is hard to always be in control of available food. However, I found that in most cases, I was able to make healthier choices when dining out. It may not always be something that I would necessarily consider being "weight loss friendly" but rather I viewed as a “better bad choice”. 

Another tip is to pack a cooler. Stock it with healthy choices and plenty of water. When driving through larger towns with grocery stores re-stock with items such as fruit, string cheese and protein bars. This will also save money because grabbing fruit and snacks at a convenient store or gas station is going to cost much more.

When you indulge, it doesn’t mean you have to eat until you become ill. Listen to your body’s cues. If you want to try a dessert that is famous in a certain town, share it or just eat part of it. That is something I had to learn during my journey. In the past, I viewed leaving food on the plate as wasteful. Now I view it as mindful and control. I knew that if I splurged for breakfast that I needed to be on plan the rest of the day. I enjoyed pancakes, BBQ, burgers, and dessert but not at every meal.

Lastly, if you are staying somewhere with a full kitchen consider doing some cooking. I know a break from the kitchen is nice while on vacation but there are easy meals that will save you money and be healthier options.

My plan worked well. I gained just a pound over the 2 weeks. Once back home and tracking, I quickly lost the pound. I know that in the past, I probably would have gained about 10 pounds in those 2 weeks and the last thing I would have done would be get right back on plan.

We should enjoy our vacations and special events. It does not have to be at the expense of the hard work you’ve put in the rest of the year. Be mindful, plan ahead and have fun!
